Bringing a new budgie at home seems fun unless you try to play with them. But often time you may find out that they are not comfortable with you. And you will need constant effort to pursue them so that they will not attack and become soft around you. Even after this, there is a long way to go.
So, how to tame a budgie fast? You can fasten the taming process by offering them food, being more present near them, and calling them sweetly. Additionally, being playful with them is equally vital.
Generally, taming a budgie takes three days to four weeks and is quite difficult. Yet, in the article below, a few methods are included so that it doesn’t take a whole four weeks. Moreover, the things you shouldn’t be doing while taming and extra tips are also included. So let’s get started.
How To Tame A Budgie Fast?
Taming a budgie is generally a time-consuming process. Because, even though you try your heart out, the birds can not be confined. To make them feel at home, you can take baby steps. Below are the steps that can help you tame a budgie the fastest way.

Step 1: Give Them Time To Settle
Depending on the budgie species and breeds, the time will vary. Some species are very socializing and friendly, while others are aggressive. For example, female species have more tendency to become aggressive than males. Moreover, birds commonly have a friendlier nature. They will try to be friends with anyone if they like the person.
- To make them feel at ease, interact with them. Try to talk to them, feed them. Spend time with them so that they can manage themselves in the new environment.
- However, in the first few days, you should not go and touch them directly as it can frighten them. Let them take a breath and observe the new place. They have to become familiar with the place to feel at ease.
- Place the cage near the wall and do not put anything above it. They might feel scared when they see something above their head moving. It is because the moving thing might remind them of the predators. They can become timid and aggressive in that case.
- Also, avoid making noises and sounds as it can threaten them.
Overall, the taming process becomes easier with the right habituation.
Step 2: Let Them Observe You
It is necessary to keep the budgie around so that they know that you are always there to look for them. They will learn by looking at you and also will learn about you. This will keep them entertained as well.
Most importantly, this will build trust between the owner and the bird. Building trust with a budgie will make the taming process fast and easy.
But do not make noises that can scare them. Instead, take 10-15 minutes to talk with them. Talk to them calmly and soothingly. Also, do not scare them by looking at their eyes. Instead, keep the cage at eye level.
Step 3: Put A Finger Around The Cage
After some days, when the bird becomes familiar with your voice and presence, you should reach out to them.
Put hands around the cage, and call them sweetly. Do this for 10-15 minutes, even though they react aggressively. This is a desensitization technique. As mentioned before, birds are scared of being near any human. This technique helps the birds to come out of that fear.
In this situation, you need to be calm and nice so that they can realize you are not a harm to them. Do this training 3 times a day and you should be good to go.
Step 4: Offer Them Food
You should not leave the bird without food. Initially, you should only leave the food in the cage. Don’t make the mistake of putting your hand in the cage.
However, when you see them reacting happily toward your presence, you can try putting your hand in the cage.

In that case, slowly put your hand through the cage and offer them food. At this point, they will no longer see your hand as a threat. But some might still bite your hand out of fear. That’s why, cover your hand with a towel while giving food to them.
Even if they bite you, do not react aggressively. Do not become hyper and panic. If you yell at them, they’ll once again isolate themselves. Consequently, it will take more time to tame them.
There is always a chance that a bird can become aggressive. You should be prepared for it and react calmly. This can help the bird to understand you are no stranger anymore.
Step 5: Introduce Hand Training
Finally, when the bird feels safe around you, the primary process of training a pet budgie should be started.
Slowly, put the hand on the cage and influence them to sit on your hand. Well, to be safe you can try wrapping the hand or the finger with a towel.
Generally, they would not sit on your hands immediately. It will take time as they will try to figure out what is going on. To fasten the process, slowly place the finger near the chest of the bird. Additionally, give light pressure on the chest and make sure you are not poking the chest.
If they get frightened, they will fly away or attack your hand. If it happens, let them calm down and try again the next day. After trying for a few days, they will calmly react to what you are doing.
Later, you can practice this for about 10-15 minutes 3 times daily or more. Call them with sweet names and use phrases like ‘step up’. It’s done so they can understand what you want when you say that phrase. Soon, they will start to sit on your finger calmly.
Step 6: Be Playful With Them
You should try playing with them when they are finally using your hand as a perch. Keep small toys, and bird accessories inside and observe their body language. Play with them by calling them with a sweet voice.
Step 7: Take Them Out Of The Cage
After you have done everything mentioned above, you can take them out of the cage. Well, it can often go wrong as birds can always fly away. That’s why you should do this in a closed room.
If you are having a hard time bringing them back to the cage, lure them with food or toys. Put those things in the cage and the bird will find its way back to the cage.
If the bird remains calm, you can also try teaching tricks. Moreover, you can teach them to speak.
Socializing a budgie will start from this session. Overall, the more you speak to them, the faster they will learn.
What Not To Do While Taming A Budgie?
Birds are not easy to tame. Especially when they are old. Bird behavior can always change depending on how you are behaving around them.

However, here are the things you shouldn’t do as these will make the taming process more difficult.
- Do not yell at them or make noise around them. Avoid any kind of yelling, even with your family members, as you are keeping the bird near sight. It can scare them and make them feel threatened.
- Do not mess with them when they are injured or molting. Pet care is required to monitor such incidents.
- When they are behaving aggressively, do not try to get closer to them. Handling the bird calmly is necessary in such situation.
- Do not introduce the bird training methods unless they are fully ready. Without creating a complete belief you would not be able to handle them.
Tips For Taming A Budgie

Bird communication can help you throughout the way while training the budgie. No matter what you do, you have to communicate with them nicely so that they can feel at home when they are with you. Quick budgie taming tips are added below.
- Bonding with the budgie is needed so that they won’t feel nervous
- Only use a sweet and calm voice while talking with them or near them
- Give them treats whenever they are learning new things
- Bird training should not be continued for a long time as it can make them feel annoyed
Below are some of the frequently asked questions you guys are given.
Taming a budgie can normally take from days to several weeks. It depends on the temperament of the bird, environment, interaction, and how long it can take to establish trust.
Yes, all budgies can be tamed less or more. But this might not be the case every time as they would also like to live freely if they get a chance. They might take every chance to escape.
You should interact with the budgie as much as possible. Training them at least 4 times for 10 to 15 minutes is preferable. Moreover, keep them near, let them notice, and observe what you are doing. Well, there is no time limit set for bird socialization. Do it till your heart’s content.
Calmly handle the budgie if it becomes aggressive during training. Yelling at them would not work at all. Instead, they will become more violent. Mainly find why they are aggressive and place them in a cage far away. Let them calm down.
Yes, budgies can learn to speak and this begins with you. They will imitate you whenever you speak. It becomes frequent when they like you or have been with you for a long time. You can also make them learn new words by uttering the words in front of them and using body language.
Overall, how to tame a budgie fast? Generally, they do take time to get used to the new environment. However,you can speed up the process by feeding them, being sweet to them, and showing your presence.
Moreover, never be rude to them as unfriendly behavior would not allow you to come near them. Positive reinforcement such as giving treats when they accomplish a new task can make you closer. Overall, it’s all about emotion and how you treat them. The sweeter you are going to be with them, the quicker the taming session will end. Nevertheless, budgies are quite complicated birds, so we will insist you do further research on them.