So you have adopted a cockatiel, and suddenly it starts making a lot of noise. It can be very annoying, especially when you don’t know what to do about it. So, you need to understand your cockatiel behavior to know what it means when it chirps.
So, why is my cockatiel chirping so much? Cockatiels chirp when they want their owner’s attention when they are hungry, bored, ill, or scared. Also, if the cage is too small or the perches are improperly built, the cockatiel will become stressed, thus chirping a lot.
There might be other reasons your cockatiel is chirping, and this article will tell you more about them.
Why Is My Cockatiel Chirping So Much?
Cockatiels are very social birds, making a lot of noise in the wild. They communicate through chirping or when they want to alert others of impending danger.

Other times, cockatiels will chirp loudly if they want to go outdoors. For example, if the cage is near a door, the cockatiel will perch at the sidebars and start chirping. Here are other reasons why your cockatiel keeps chirping.
Cockatiel is stressed
The cockatiel could be chirping so much due to stress. If the cage is overcrowded or a predator is nearby, you will continuously hear the cockatiel alerting you. Also, maybe the cage’s perches are not well-built, and the cockatiel cannot sleep well.
Cockatiel is hungry or ill
It could be because the cockatiel is ill and in pain. Check for signs such as lethargy, watery eyes, swollen beak, increased bowel movements, poop with a different color, or a broken wing.
Birds are good at hiding when they are in pain; the only way to be sure is to examine the cockatiel yourself. If it is sick, take the bird to the veterinarian immediately.

If the cockatiel is hungry, it will continuously chirp and will not stop until you feed it. Ensure you provide the cockatiel with a well-formulated diet with vegetables and fruits. Fruits and vegetables should only be present in small amounts. Do not only feed it seeds or grains because they have high-fat content, which can make the cockatiel ill.
Cockatiel is bored
If you no longer spend time with your cockatiel, it feels abandoned and becomes bored. So, whenever it sees you passing by, it chirps a lot to get your attention. So ensure you stick to a specific period where you can interact with your cockatiel for some time.
Cockatiels are intelligent, and they need something to stimulate them mentally. If not you, you can add toys or another cockatiel so that they keep each other company when you are away.
Cockatiel is afraid
A scared cockatiel will chirp loudly while moving its head up and down or sideways. It might be because a predator bird flew past the window or the presence of another pet, like a dog. It could also be because you changed the color of the room. If you are going to make any changes, do them gradually.
Cockatiel is not sleeping well
A sleep-deprived cockatiel will become aggressive and start making a lot of noise during the day. So, ensure you provide your bird with 12 hours of light and darkness. Try and keep the cockatiel’s cage in a place with no noise, especially at night. Also, cover the cage with breathable material to keep the light out.
Here’s What To Do When Your Cockatiel doesn’t Stop Chirping
The first thing to do is determine what is causing your cockatiel to chirp continuously. Here is what you can do.

- If it is the attention the cockatiel needs, get it a companion or add toys to its cage. Some toys include hanging bells, water pools, or puzzles. You could also teach the cockatiel to perform tricks. The trick should be simple enough that the cockatiel can achieve it. Add rewards in the puzzles that your cockatiel will find if it completes the task.
- Remove the cockatiel’s cage from an area with other pets such as cats and dogs. Also, avoid placing the cage near the window due to predator birds. You should eliminate any other triggers, such as loud noises. A calm environment goes a long way when you own a cockatiel.
- Ensure your cockatiel gets 12 hours of darkness and 12 hours of light. That way, the cockatiel will get enough sleep, which keeps it relaxed and helps it thrive.
- If your cockatiel is ill, get it to a vet. Also, ensure you provide the cockatiel with food on a routine.
- If your cockatiel chirps when you are around, try not to scream back at it. Cockatiels do not know you are annoyed; they think you are just returning their call. React calmly and use positive reinforcement, such as rewarding the cockatiel when it is quiet.
You could also avoid going to the cockatiel’s cage when it chirps loudly. This is because cockatiels can use that to their advantage and chirp whenever they want- after all, they get the attention they need.
- You could try covering the cockatiel’s cage whenever it makes a lot of noise; if it keeps quiet after that, remove the cover and reward it. The cockatiel will learn that if it makes noise, you will cover its cage, and if it keeps quiet, you will reward it. If you choose this method, be consistent, so the cockatiel gets used to it.
Why Does My Cockatiel Scream at Night?
If your cockatiel is screaming at night, then something is wrong. It could be that the cockatiel is experiencing night frights—cockatiels, like humans, experience REM sleep, where dreams occur. So your cockatiel might have a nightmare and get spooked, resulting in screams at night.
Also, if you cover your cockatiel’s cage at night, try minimizing the movement in that area. If a cockatiel hears movement or sees shadows through the cover cloth, it might get frightened and chirp loudly.

So try to maintain a quiet environment and place a night light near the cockatiel’s cage. Night light helps because even if the cockatiel gets scared or wakes from a nightmare, it can scan its surroundings and see it is safe.
It is also essential to know that cockatiels make different sounds when chirping. An experienced cockatiel owner can differentiate between these sounds and their meanings.
Also read: Female Cockatiel Making Weird Noises?
Why Are My Baby Cockatiels Chirping So Much?
Baby cockatiels chirp a lot when they are hungry. If you own a baby cockatiel, feed it regularly, especially if there is no parent cockatiel to feed the chick. It could also be because the baby cockatiel is scared of darkness, especially at night. In this case, leave on a night light and maintain an ideal room temperature to ensure the baby cockatiel is warm.

Ensure your other pets do not come into the bird room. Spend time with your baby cockatiel so that it calms down. You can hand-feed food so that it feels safe and bonds with you.
Why Is My Male Cockatiel Chirping So Much?
Male cockatiels chirp when they want to establish dominance in the cage. Chirping makes it known that the male cockatiel is protecting its territory. It could be a way of warning the rest of the flock about a threat. This is called a distress call; it is chirping that is louder and continuous.

Also, when protecting their chicks, male cockatiels will scream to scare away predators. Like all cockatiels, it could be because it wants your attention or when it is looking for a mating partner.
Here are other related questions
Your cockatiel may be chirping because it is bored when you are not around or feels scared. In such cases, you can try providing the cockatiel with a calm environment or a companion. Cockatiels love company, and another friend will help your cockatiel feel safer even when you go.
The female cockatiel keeps chirping while looking for a partner during the mating season. Also, when it is laying eggs, the cockatiel will chirp. Other reasons are because it wants attention, due to fear or boredom.
Cockatiels chirp a lot when bored, stressed, ill, or scared. So it is up to you to identify the trigger and solve it. You can try adding another companion or a toy. Also, ensure you keep dogs and cats away from the same vicinity as the cockatiels. Remember, do not reward the cockatiel when it chirps loudly. Wait until it keeps quiet, and then reward it.