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Can Cockatiels Eat Almonds? What you need to avoid!

Can Cockatiels Eat Almonds

A cockatiel’s diet is mainly made up of seeds, pellets, and fresh water. Cockatiels also enjoy green, leafy fresh vegetables and fruits, for example, lettuce, kale, bananas, and mangoes.  

Can cockatiels eat almonds? Yes, cockatiels can eat almonds. Almond nuts contain various minerals like vitamin E, calcium, and manganese that boost health, reduce aging, and help form strong bones. However, cockatiels should be fed seeds and pellets with nuts making up about 10% of the diet. 

But like everything else in life, there’s more to cockatiels eating almonds. Read on to find out the health benefits and risks of feeding almonds to cockatiels and how much is safe. 

Can you feed almonds to cockatiels? 

Yes, you can feed your cockatiels with almonds. Almonds are both highly nutritious and very tasty, making them a delicious treat for your cockatiel. 

According to, 28 grams of almonds contain about 165 calories, 14 grams of fat, 6 grams of protein, 6 grams of carbohydrates, and 3 grams of fiber. 

Proteins provide energy to cockatiels, repair muscles and tissues, aid in growing the bird and feathers, and play a significant role in immune responses. Proteins also boost wound healing, are used to make new blood, and help maintain hormonal balance. 

Can you feed almonds to cockatiels

Fats help in immune responses and gaining weight, while carbohydrates provide cockatiels with energy. Fiber aids in the digestion and absorption of food. 

Almond nuts also contain many minerals that have varied benefits, as shown below.

Vitamin EVitamin E improves your cockatiel’s immunity to disease and response to stress.
ManganeseManganese helps in blood clotting, metabolism, growth, and reproduction.
PhosphorusHelps in bone formation and promotes energy storage. However, too much phosphorus inhibits calcium uptake.
Vitamin B2Vitamin B2 helps your bird convert carbohydrates into energy.
MagnesiumMagnesium supports your bird’s immune system, boosts calcium absorption, helps regulate blood pressure, and boosts metabolism.
CopperCopper boosts iron absorption, helps maintain a strong skeleton, and boosts immunity.
CalciumCalcium strengthens bones and is important for egg-laying cockatiels.
Can You Feed Almonds To Cockatiels

Almond nuts have numerous health benefits while contributing to a balanced diet for your pet cockatiel. 

See also:  Cockatiel Flying: How to Teach a Cockatiel to Fly Safely?

Do Cockatiels like almonds?

Yes, cockatiels like almonds because they are tasty and an excellent snack for the birds. 

Cockatiel loves almonds

Health risks for cockatiels eating almonds

Though almond is among the safe nuts, and there are many health benefits of feeding your cockatiels with almonds, there are also a few risks.

Health risks for cockatiels eating almonds

Avoid copper

Feeding your cockatiel too many almonds might result in copper toxicosis, so it is wise to moderate portions. 


The size of the almond pieces you feed your cockatiel is essential. Larger chunks might be harder to swallow, and may choke the bird.  

Avoid salt

Salted almonds are dangerous to cockatiels because they affect body fluid and electrolyte balance. These imbalances could cause dehydration, affect normal kidney function, or even cause the death of your bird.

Remove almond shells

Almond shells have some compounds such as phytic acid that prevent the uptake of minerals such as calcium and iron. Feed your cockatiel roasted almonds or deshell the almonds before feeding. 


Mold is toxic to cockatiels, so avoid feeding your bird almonds with mold. 

How many almonds should cockatiels eat?

The recommended amount of almonds per serving in grams is 2 to 3 grams for one cockatiel. 

How many almonds should cockatiels eat

How do you prepare almonds for cockatiels?

You can feed your cockatiel with raw or cooked almonds. Though you may cook the almonds, cockatiels don’t mind raw almonds. Besides, some nutrients are lost during cooking. Instead, dry roast the almonds to retain full nutrient content while eliminating the effects of the almond shells. 

Lisa Shea has shared an easy-to-make Almond hanging toy, and you can make one and use it to give your cockatiels almonds.

You’ll need a needle, some string, and some almonds. You’ll also want a thimble to help you get the needle through the almonds and something safe to press the almonds against as you’re working. I used a pad of paper.

To make the toy, start by threading the needle and tying a knot at the end of the string. Then, push the needle gently into the first almond. It takes some force to get the needle through the almond, so the thimble comes in handy here.

See also:  How to Calm and Tame a Scared Cockatiel in 1 Day? (A Step-By-Step Guide)

Once the needle is poking out the other side of the almond, turn it over and press it down onto the needle. This will leave a dent in the almond.

How do you prepare almonds for cockatiels

When you get the needle all the way into the almond, i.e. when the head of the needle is now flush with the almond’s outer edge, it’s time to “pull” the needle the rest of the way through. I found a pair of nail clippers that was perfect for this. They would grab tightly onto the needle and allow me to pull it through. Those would also work well if you have a pair of jewelry clamps.

Can you feed almonds to baby cockatiels? If so, how?

Yes, you can feed almonds to baby cockatiels. However, you should cook or moisten the raw almonds to soften them before feeding. Also, ensure you crush the almonds into tiny pieces that the baby cockatiels can swallow. 

Can you feed almonds to baby cockatiels

Video of a cockatiel eating almonds

Cockatiel eating almonds

The cockatiel breaks the chunks of almonds into smaller pieces that it can easily swallow. 

What to do if your cockatiel eats too many almonds?

If your cockatiel eats too many almonds, find a vet immediately. Some signs that your bird consumed too many almonds include diarrhea, vomiting, and abnormal sleeping. 

Can you feed a cockatiel with almonds every day?

Yes, you can add almonds to your cockatiel’s daily diet. However, be careful to serve portions of about 2 grams per day to avoid adverse health effects. 

A cockatiel

Related questions (FAQ)

Here are some common questions that need to be answered-

1. Which other nuts do cockatiels eat?

Cockatiels can eat many kinds of nuts, including;
1. Walnuts
2. Brazil nuts
3. Macadamia nuts
4. Peanuts
5. Pine nuts
6. Cashew nuts

2. Which foods are bad for cockatiels?

Some foods that are toxic to cockatiels include;
1. Alcohol
2. Honey
3. Mushrooms
4. Caffeine
5. Avocado
6. Chocolate


Cockatiels can eat almonds as part of their diet. Almonds provide beneficial nutrients that help in various body processes, including immune responses, growth, muscle repair, bone formation, and many more. 

However, you should be careful to feed your cockatiel with moderate amounts of almonds to avoid health risks. Ensure that the almonds do not have mold and are unsalted. 

Do you know if your cockatiels can eat mango or potatoes? Read our articles about it to learn more.


Peter Kaestner

Hi there, my name is Peter Kaestner and I am the owner of As a avid bird watcher and enthusiast with a passion for ornithology, I want to share my knowledge and experience with other bird lovers through this blog. As someone who regularly participates in bird-related forums and groups online, I am dedicated to helping others learn more about these amazing creatures. However, it's important to note that while I am happy to share my expertise and advice, it is always crucial to consult with an avian veterinarian before making any decisions that could potentially impact your bird's health or well-being. Your bird's health and happiness should always be your top priority, and consulting with a professional is the best way to ensure that you are making informed decisions on their behalf. I hope that through my blog, I can help make a positive difference in the lives of birds and the people who care for them. Whether you are an experienced bird owner or just starting out, I encourage you to use this resource as a way to learn more about these fascinating animals and how to provide them with the best possible care.View Author posts