When it comes to feeding budgies, you should be extra careful to avoid giving them foods that may endanger their health. If you’re curious whether blueberries are safe for your feathered friends, you’ll find this guide helpful.
Can budgies eat blueberries? Yes, you can give blueberries to your budgies. These fruits are semi-sweet, which makes them a favorite for budgies. They also contain vitamins and antioxidants that facilitate good health for your budgie. However, you shouldn’t give your budgie too many blueberries since they have a high sugar content that can negatively affect their health.
This guide takes you through everything you need to know about feeding blueberries budgies. You’ll learn details like the health benefits of this tropical fruit, how to prepare it, and how much you should give it to your budgie.
Can you feed blueberries to budgies?
Yes, blueberries are safe fruits to feed to your budgies. They’re also soft and easy for the budgies to digest, making them their favorite fruit. You can provide your budgies with the whole blueberry, including the skin and the fruit seeds, as they’re all safe for your budgie.
But most importantly, they’re super healthy and provide budgies with multiple nutrients that keep them happy and healthy. These nutrients include Vitamin C, vitamin K, Manganese, and antioxidants.

The small size of blueberries also makes it perfect for the small claws of budgies to grab, so you can guess they’ll have an easy time eating it. Their small size makes them easy to prepare since you don’t necessarily need to cut them into smaller pieces.
HOWEVER, we strongly advise you against giving budgies too many strawberries! These small fruits come packed with high amounts of fructose (natural sugar) that can harm your feathered friend by causing health problems like obesity and diabetes.
Before feeding blueberries to your budgies, you want to wash them through to remove those pesticides that might have been sprayed on them when growing to keep away pests and bugs. The pesticide residue can harm your budgie’s health, so cleaning it thoroughly will help keep your budge safe.
You can feed your budgie fresh or dried blueberries. However, we advise giving them the former since it contains less sugar content than the latter. But any of them is safe and highly nutritious for your feathered friends, provided you feed them with moderation.

But don’t feed your budgie canned blueberries. These usually contain preservatives and are high in sugar, making them dangerous for your budgie’s health.
Do Budgies Like blueberries?
Budgies like eating blueberries, just as they are fond of any other sweet variety of fruits. These fruits are quite succulent and are filled with sweet flavors plus tangy flavor bits, which your budgie’s mouth relishes.

It is also interesting to note that the small size of this fruit makes it easy and fun for the parakeets to eat, further qualifying it as one of their favorite fruits. Not to forget their soft skin that’s easy to peel for a budgie and gobble up.
The dark blue color of this healthy fruit helps add color to the meal of your budgie, making it more enticing for them.
If you give your budgie a blueberry and it hesitates to eat on its own or seems scared, try hand-feeding it to get it to eat it.

However, budgies can be picky eaters and may not like blueberries. If your budgies don’t like these fruits, there is no need to force-feed them.
There are a variety of other fruits to try that are healthy and safe for your budgie to eat. Examples include strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, watermelon, apple, and cucumber, to name but a few.
Health Benefits For Budgies Eating blueberries
As mentioned above, blueberries are super-healthy for budgies and come packed with important nutrients that benefit your budgie’s health.

Below are the top benefits of blueberries for budgies:
Vitamin C
Blueberries contain Vitamin C, which is one of the vital nutrients for the budgie’s body. It helps boost your pet’s immune system and enables it to better fight against various diseases. Moreover, this vitamin helps stabilize cholesterol and sugar levels in your pet’s blood, develop strong bones and muscles, and control the little pet’s heartbeat rate.
Vitamin K
This vitamin is also present in the blueberry fruit and is responsible for transporting calcium throughout the parakeet body. This means that the bones and beaks will be supplied with the much-needed calcium to keep them healthy. Vitamin K is also responsible for speeding up blood clotting, helping prevent excessive bleeding in case your budgies suffer a wound or a cut.
We also can’t fail to acknowledge that blueberries pack plenty of magnesium. This mineral benefits your budgie’s body by promoting a strong beak and bones. Plus, it helps in feather development. This especially makes it helpful after the molting stage, when your budgie has fewer feathers on its body.

You’ll be surprised to discover that blueberries boast the highest levels of antioxidants compared to other fruits and fresh vegetables. Various studies have also confirmed blueberries’ high amounts of antioxidants compared to commonly consumed fruits and veggies. Thus, feeding your pet bird with these fruits means you’re enabling them to enjoy the benefits of antioxidants. These include getting rid of free radicals from their bloodstream.
How much blueberries should budgies eat?
You should feed your budgie with 1-2 blueberries to limit how much fruits the pet can consume. You should also give them the fruit once or twice weekly. This is because overfeeding this fruit can cause diarrhea in parakeets, which can significantly affect the bird’s health.
The high sugar content in a blueberry means consuming too much of it will cause your beloved pet at risk of obesity. The effects of obesity on your budgie can be fatal. They can make your little pet suffer from blood clotting, hemorrhage, and even prolonged sickness that may ultimately result in the death of your parakeet.

Excessively feeding blueberries to your parakeet can also result in diabetes. This is another life-threatening condition, and you should consult your vet immediately if you realize your pet has it.
Signs of diabetes in budgies range from sudden weight loss to frequent urination, seizures or coma, excessive water consumption, and getting sick more often (the sickness tends to take longer, even after treatment).
Give blueberries to your budgies in moderation to ensure they enjoy all the health benefits the fruit offers. But avoid overfeeding them to ensure you don’t expose your pets to the downsides above.
How do you prepare blueberries for budgies?
There’s no set procedure for preparing blueberries for budgies. However, there are some important precautions to follow to ensure you feed this fruit to your bird in the safest way possible.
Start by thoroughly washing the blueberries to eliminate pesticides and fungicides that may have been sprayed on the fruit. These harmful chemicals can be detrimental to your beloved bird’s health, hence the need to remove them.

Since cleaning one berry after the other can be time-consuming, consider soaking them in a baking soda solution for about 15 minutes to help completely remove the pesticide and ensure you are feeding safe fruits to your feathered friends.
After you have cleaned your blueberries, it is time to serve them to your budgie. You can simply let the parakeets feed on their own or hand-feed them. However, these birds usually love being fed.

You can also mix blueberries with veggies or pellets food to give your pet birds a variety of flavors and a more interesting meal. But be sure to limit the amount of blueberries you use.
Besides the fresh fruits, you can also feed dried blueberries to your budgies. But remember that the dried variety contains more sugar than the fresh fruit. This is probably why budgies seem to enjoy them more than fresh blueberries. But try feeding them fresh fruits as much as possible.
Can you feed blueberries to baby budgies?
You can feed baby budgies blueberries to provide them with essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that keep them healthy.
However, you should feed them these fruit in moderation and once per week to prevent them from consuming too much sugar in the fruit and suffering from health issues like obesity.

You should also clean the fruits thoroughly before giving them to your baby budgies. Any part of this fruit, including the skin and the seeds, is safe to feed your budgie.
You can also cut the fruit into small, bite-sized chunks to make it easy for the baby budgie to eat.
Video of a budgie eating blueberries
Here’s a video of budgies being treated to a meal of mixed berries (raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, and blueberry)
Related questions (FAQ):
Yes, budgies can eat blueberry seeds, so you don’t need to remove them when feeding them blueberries. These small seeds won’t cause a choking hazard in your budgie. They’re also easy to digest and won’t result in stomach upsets.
You’ll notice that the pets love these seeds and may even start plucking and picking on them immediately you serve them this fruit. It is also worth noting that these seeds are healthy as they’re packed with minerals that facilitate healthy feathers and wings in your feathery friend.
Yes, budgies can eat blueberry skin as long as you clean it thoroughly to remove any pesticide residue that can hurt your budgie. The skin carries most of the nutrients as the fruit flesh. The skin also provides your budgie with essential fiber, promoting healthy digestion in the pet.
Yes, you can give your budgies a treat of blueberry juice. This is a healthy treat packed with vitamins and antioxidants. However, you should be careful how much juice you feed your budgies to keep them from consuming too much sugar and suffering the same side effects. We advise you to dilute the juice and mix it with other fruits to ensure you feed your feathered friends with a healthy, balanced diet.
Final word
Blueberries are one of the best fruits you should consider for your budgies. These fruits contain healthy nutrients, including minerals and vitamins, that keep your little feathered friend healthy. The delicious small fruits are soft and easy to eat, making them a favorite for all budgies.
But be moderate when feeding blueberries to your beloved birds. The fruit is high in sugar, and too much of it can lead to serious health issues in your budgie, like obesity and diarrhea.
Treat blueberries as occasional treats for your budgies, and they should be able to reap all its benefits without experiencing any side effects.
Do you know if your budgies can eat tomatoes or lettuce? Read our articles about it to learn more.