We love budgies, and part of that love means always wondering which food is good and safe for our beloved pet. After all, the last thing we want is them to get sick accidentally.
In the beginning, we also faced a popular question: can budgies eat asparagus? Raw asparagus is one of the top vegetables that budgies or parakeets like. Some are super fond of it from the get-go, whereas others need some time to adjust. Green asparagus is also packed with high protein and various vitamins, which help in the growth and development of a parakeet.
If your parakeet doesn’t like raw asparagus, you can try slowly acclimating them to the vegetable. You should pay close attention to weekly doses. In the rest of the article, we’ll cover these crucial points.
Let’s go.
Can You Feed Asparagus To Budgies?
Asparagus is one of the popular choices for vegetables for budgies. When given in small doses consistently, green asparagus can be a healthy source of nutrients for budgies. Some argue that asparagus is one of the birds’ most vital sources of nutrition.

Health Benefits For Budgies Eating Asparagus
You can, and you should feed your budgie asparagus because —

Asparagus is one of the best sources of fiber, and fiber helps digestion and keeps the bowel tracts healthy. If you notice watery stool from your parakeet, feeding them raw asparagus is a great idea and promotes healthy weight levels and similar health benefits.
Raw asparagus is a great source of vitamins. Vitamin K, for example, promotes a healthy bloodstream and better recovery from injuries and cuts. Vitamin K paired with calcium, also high in asparagus, helps in bone development and overall bone health and integrity.
Vitamin E, which is also prominent in green asparagus, helps in your bird’s overall immunity and strength.
The chemical works many wonders. But in budgies, the biggest is perhaps blood pressure regulation, and it helps parakeets avoid high or low blood pressures and regulate overall body temperature and stress levels.

And finally, raw asparagus is filled with numerous antioxidants, which prevent heart disease and cancer. Overall stress level, longevity, and age are also adequately maintained thanks to the antioxidants in asparagus.
Although highly nutritious, not all budgies might initially accept asparagus, and that isn’t something to get caught up on. You can acclimate your budgies to asparagus if you want to include vegetables in your diet.
Do Budgies Like Asparagus?
Naturally, parakeets don’t mind fresh fruits and vegetables. As it’s a part of their natural diet, most budgies will accept the fruits and fresh vegetables you put on their dish. Asparagus is said to be one of their favorite vegetables.
But sometimes, they’re hesitant or scared to do so.

In most cases, feeding budgie raw asparagus might be tricky if it’s been on a primary diet of only seeds for a while. Sometimes the birds are of an anxious type and fear anything new in their cage. In that case, it might be hesitant to try asparagus or other green vegetables.
How To Acclimate Your Budgie To Eat Asparagus
If your budgie is scared or reluctant to try asparagus, temporarily remove the seeds from its diet. Slowly introduce asparagus into its tray, and ensure plenty of water inside the cage for hydration.
If it hasn’t touched the asparagus, remove it and give it proper fresh food for this meal. Afterward, retry from the next meal. If you give your parakeet time, it’ll acclimate.
How Much Asparagus Should Budgies Eat?
Ideally, just a few grams of asparagus, for example, a quarter of one thin piece, is enough for the whole week. To get the exact amount, we use the fibrous property of asparagus to determine the amount a parakeet should intake. You should monitor your budgie’s stool.

If it’s too watery, you can add more asparagus to its diet if it’s too runny. As it’s fibrous, it’ll make digestion better and make the stool more firm. On the contrary, if you notice the excretion is too hard, you can slowly deduce the amount of asparagus you give to your bird.
Remember, too much is terrible, and you must find the balance. So play around with it for a few weeks, and you should have it figured out for your parakeet.
How Do You Prepare Asparagus For Budgies?
You should cut the asparagus into small, thin pieces for your budgie to nibble on. Otherwise, they won’t get through with it. Avoid more significant amounts too.

Initially, start with a smaller serving of asparagus alongside other fruits and some leafy vegetables. Don’t just focus on only fruits or vegetables, as that might increase bowel irregularities. So pair with plenty of different fresh food items, and you should be ready.
Can You Feed Asparagus To Baby Budgies? If So, How?
For baby budgies, you can implement a similar method as adults. As soon as they can eat solid and healthy food, they’ll be able to intake asparagus too. Make sure to cut the pieces petite and bite-sized for the little ones. In the beginning, you can hand feed them.

As you can see in the video, the owner feeds asparagus to the baby budgie by hand. This is the best practice to get them acclimated from the very start.
Tips For Feeding Budgies Asparagus
For asparagus tips, we recommend never boiling or cooking it. Raw is the way to go for budgies. That way, it’s digestible, the easiest, and the most nutritious for your budgie.

Secondly, we recommend taking out and throwing the leftover asparagus, even if your budgie hasn’t touched it. You shouldn’t serve leftover food a second time as they grow bacteria and other germs. This is especially true for fruits with sugar, as the bacterial build-up is much higher.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Yes! Asparagus is high in fibers, which helps in creating roughage and helps keep the digestive tract in shape. After a few meals of feeding your budgie asparagus, its stool should return to normal.
Although asparagus is a complex carbohydrate that takes more time to digest, it isn’t harmful to 99% of parakeets. Digesting takes more time, but digestion is healthier and beneficial to the bird.
As a general rule of thumb, you should stick with raw, unprocessed fruits and vegetables when feeding your pet budgie. Some don’t respond well to boiled or roasted asparagus, so it’s better to stick with the natural, raw option.
If someone now asks you, can budgies eat asparagus? you’ll be able to answer them in confidence. The vegetable is one of the best sources of fiber and vitamins for parakeets and is one you should include in your pet’s diet.
We’d like to leave you with parting words. Experiment with other fresh food items alongside asparagus to see what budgie likes best. Incorporate asparagus once a week, and diversify its dietary range. That way, your parakeet will be in the best shape ever. Good luck!
Do you know if your budgies can eat kale or peppers? Read our articles about it to learn more.